Anleitungen für myCampus an der Leuphana - Instructions for myCampus at Leuphana

für Studienbewerber*innen, Studierende und Prüfer*innen - for applicants, students and examiners




Support and contacts

Here you can find contact persons for all questions and problems that may arise when using myCampus.


Application-related questions

Study-related counselling

Technical questions


Study-related questions

Technical questions

IT problems: Leuphana account, email, WLAN, VPN, software licences

As a student

As a lecturer or staff member

Technical problems with myCampus

In case of malfunctions, non-availability of the system; for staff: In case of configuration needs (roles and rights, adaptation of meta tables and text abbreviations, etc.)

Login problems

Administrative matters during studies, course offering, course selection, registration procedures, student counselling

General questions and initial advice

Questions about the course offering, course selection and the registration procedure

en/support_und_kontakte.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/05 08:02 von Lisa Lorenz

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