====== myCampus for examiners ====== Basic information for lecturers, including a detailed brochure for download, can be found on the Leuphana website (currently only available in German): [[https://www.leuphana.de/lehre/pruefen/pruefungsorganisation-fuer-lehrende.html|Prüfungsorganisation für Lehrende]] The assessment dates for College and Graduate School that have been entered in myStudy are transferred to myCampus via an interface. This means that students can register for assessment dates in myCampus and their performance can be evaluated in myCampus. If you are registered as an examiner for an assessment date, you have the permission to check [[en:anmeldungen_unter_vorbehalt|registrations under reservation]] for this assessment date and to evaluate the performance of the registered students. This is done in the application [[en:beurteilung_von_pruefungen|"My supervised assessments"]]. The instructions on the subpages also deal with special cases of use, such as extensions of deadlines or earlier submissions with a publication of grades. If you are registered as an examiner for a thesis, you have the permission to evaluate this thesis and upload a review. This is done in the application [[en:beurteilung_von_abschlussarbeiten|"My supervised theses"]]. Furthermore, you have various options in myCampus to communicate with your students. How? You can find out [[en:studierende_benachrichtigen|here]]. Apart from conditional registrations and the recording of grades, **the assessment dates in the list of exams/assessmentmust not be changed subsequently in myCampus**, as otherwise the assessment information will no longer match the source in myStudy and the interface will then no longer work. This concerns basic data such as date, time, room, grading scale, exam mode, registration and deregistration period, etc. **The publication of grades is the sole responsibility of Student Service**. Therefore, please do __not__ use the action "Only for StudS". This moreover affects all registered students and cannot be carried out for individual candidates. If you would like to have the same permissions as the examiners for certain assessment dates in myCampus and are not registered as an examiner or other person involved in these assessment dates, please contact the relevant Dean of Studies office in good time. Please also have a look at our instruction video for examiners: {{url>https://leuphana.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Embed.aspx?id=d3647c6d-7a35-4e5c-8e13-b03e00de77bc&autoplay=false&offerviewer=true&showtitle=true&showbrand=true&captions=true&interactivity=all height="405" width="720" style="border: 1px solid #464646;" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay"}} Captions in English and German are available for this video. The captions are activated by default and can be deactivated by clicking on the "CC" button. To switch between the caption languages, click on the ⋀ symbol at the bottom of the video. Click on the three vertical dots at the top right and then on "Caption Language". Here, select either "English (United Kingdom)" or "Deutsch [German]". Then click on the ⋁ symbol to close the settings. On smaller screens (e.g. smartphone or tablet), simply tap on the three vertical dots directly below the video and then on "Caption Language". Now, select "English (United Kingdom)" or "Deutsch [German]".