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en:start [2023/06/08 09:47] Melina Klothen:start [2024/11/20 09:28] (aktuell) Lisa Lorenz
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Welcome to the instruction pages for myCampus ====== ====== Welcome to the instruction pages for myCampus ======
-myCampus is the new campus management system at Leuphana. It maps all stages of the student life cycle and in this context serves the digital handling of tasks by applicants, students, examiners and administrative staff. The system can be accessed at the web address [[|]].+myCampus is the [[|campus management system at Leuphana]]. It maps all stages of the student life cycle and in this context serves the digital handling of tasks by applicants, students, examiners and administrative staff. The system can be accessed at [[|]]\\ 
 +  * Under [[en:erste_schritte|First steps]] you will find helpful information on using myCampus for the first time.\\ 
 +  * Contact persons for all questions and problems that may arise during use can be found under [[en:support_und_kontakte|Support and contacts]].
-From the summer semester 2023, the following processes will run step by step via myCampus, for which you will find corresponding instructions on these pages+<WRAP round grey box 100%> 
- +**Applicantsstudents and teachers / examiners** can find the instructions publicly on this page. 
-<WRAP group> +  * [[en:studienbewerber_innen|Applicants]] 
-<WRAP half column> +  * [[en:studierende|Students]] 
-{{page>en:sidebar&noheader&nofooter&inline&noeditbutton}}+  * [[en:pruefer_innen|Teachers / Examiners]]
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-<WRAP half column> +<WRAP round grey box 100%
-{{ :en:akademischer_lebenszyklus_en.png?direct |}} +**Administrative staff** can access internal instruction pages via myWiki.  
-</WRAP+  * **Student Service** staff please follow this link: [[|external Link - myWiki]] 
-**For administrative staff** +  * Staff from the **Schools and Faculties** please follow this link: [[|external Link - myWiki]]
-  *Student Service staff please follow this link: [[|External link - myWiki]] +
-  *Staff from the Schools and Faculties can find their instructions at [[|External link - myWiki]]+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
- +<WRAP round grey box 100%>
- +
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-<WRAP round box 100%>+
 **Links to instructions for other systems** **Links to instructions for other systems**
 +  * Instructions on the myStudy course administration system: [[|myStudy – Instructions and videos]]
 +  * Instructions on other services of the MIZ (access only via Leuphana Wi-Fi or VPN): [[|Guides to digital tools and services]]
 +  * Instructions on digital teaching platforms and tools: [[|Digital tools and media]]
-Instructions for other services of the MIZ can be reached via this link: [[|Guidance on digital tools and services]]+</WRAP>
-Instructions on digital teaching platforms and tools can be found at this link[[|Digital platforms and tools]] +{{:imageshooting_hoersaalgang_zentralgebaude_17.jpg?1000nolink|}}\\ 
-</WRAP>+<fc grey>Image source: Leuphana / Markus Tiemann</fc>
en/start.1686217676.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/06/08 09:47 von Melina Kloth

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